In a recent announcement Vietnam’s Premier Bitcoin Exchange VBTC revealed the addition of a new withdrawal method (Telegram) from VBTC.

VBTC users will now be able to withdraw their balances to any Telegram account – with the withdrawal fees being as low as 0,000005 BTC (500 Sats).

VBTC users will now be able to withdraw their balances to any Telegram account

The service is made possible by Bitcoin’s Lightning Network in combination with LNTXBot – a custodial wallet built on top of Telegram.

LNTXBot itself was created Fiatjaf with the simple reasoning:

The idea came just from the fact that I realized it was something that would be simple to do, no fancy UIs to design, and no one was doing it, so I had to do it.

Since then LNTXBot has become a standard tool for most Bitcoin-centric Telegram groups as a very functional tool to send tips and other smaller amounts of Sats across the widely popular Telegram messenger app.