As we have all experienced in 2022 markets across the board took a heavy beating as USD liquidity got sucked out of the system.

While our team avoided any direct exposure to various imploding counterparties, we know that not all of you were so lucky to come through the year unscathed.

The good news: You only ever truly learn from pain.

“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”

Pain is a feeling that signalizes to you that you went wrong.

It provides you with the opportunity to learn lessons which will pay you plenty of dividends in the years to come.

If you get the implementation right.

So instead of beating yourself up over it, learn your lessons and avoid the same mistakes the next time around.

Get harder to kill and advance beyond your old self.

As long as you avoid fatal mistakes, having some battle scars will build the base from which you can conquer the next level in your life.

Tet Holiday Break

The annual feasting is upon us again and as such we would like you to be aware of the reduced level of service during the holiday break (21st to 27th of January).

You can find more details about the impact on our operations here.

Ideally, we would urge you to process any pending transactions before the holidays set in.

Launched: BitcoinVN Auto-staking

 We all aim to get more done with less input required.

“How to prosper with the least amount of work possible?” is an age-old question which elevated humanity from lives in the caves to various stages of high civilization during our species journey on this planet.

As such, in case you’re not a “pure Bitcoiner”, the newly launched auto-staking program by BitcoinVN allows you to take advantage of the magic of “eighth world wonder”

Compound interest.

While it is not the sole decisive factor in the investment game, without understanding and taking advantage of compound interest you will make your journey to financial independence so much harder.

The basics for wealth creation are simple, but often people fail at implementation.

With auto-staking that process just got a fair lot easier.

More details to be found here.

Now available: BitcoinVN Shop self-custody consulting offer

We started out this email talking about how plenty of people in and around the industry had a year of “REKT” behind them.

Far more people than necessary lost far more money than they could afford to lose.

As you likely know by now, there is a time-proven recipe against third parties screwing you over for your life savings:


At BitcoinVN we have been providing the tools to get there for several years as an official reseller of Trezor and Ledger hardware wallets in the Vietnamese market.

Still, many newcomers are afraid of taking the plunge to take control over their keys.

Fear no more.

In order to address this knowledge gap, we will offer an optional free one-hour consulting session with one of our experienced team members on how to get self-custody right.

So if you’re looking to get started on your journey towards financial independence – we’ve got you covered.

The team of BitcoinVN wishes you some joyful holidays ahead and a fresh, highly energetic and successful start into the upcoming Year of the Cat.

Hear from each other soon!

Team BitcoinVN